The Roxbury High School Band has been nominated by United States Congressman Tom Malinowski to be an official representative of the State of New Jersey in the 2020 National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC on May 25th, 2020! This event is the official Memorial Day parade of the United States and is nationally televised across the US and streamed to our Armed Forces worldwide. Congressman Malinowski recommended Roxbury based on our long standing tradition of musical excellence.

This is an amazing opportunity to showcase our students and our community at a national level!

This trip will commence on Sunday, May 24th and will include a two day, one night stay in our nation’s capital, with a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, an evening monument tour on the National Mall, a Smithsonian Museum visit and a performance by the National Symphony Orchestra on the US Capitol lawn. Then, on Monday, May 25th, Memorial Day, we will march in the National Memorial Day Parade down historic Constitution Avenue while representing our home community of Roxbury and New Jersey with the utmost of pride and
dignity. The trip is open to all Roxbury Band Students regardless of their ability to afford the cost of the event.

To make this trip affordable for all our students and families, we need to raise $10,000. YOU can help the Roxbury Band Students make this March of a Lifetime!

Our community fundraiser is set up on the GoFundMe Charity platform. We can utilize this because the Roxbury High School Band Parents Association is a registered 501© non profit. Each donation is tax deductible and the Rox Band program receives ~ 97% of all donations (GoFundMe Charity charges a very small administrative fee). You can access the fundraiser by following the path below:

If you prefer to make an off line donation to help the band a check or money order can be sent to the following address:

PO Box 187
Succasunna, NJ 07876

Please make check payable to the RHSBPA and put “Memorial Day Parade” in the memo.

Download the Flyer here.